factory_distance Derived Type

type, public :: factory_distance

Class to represent a distance factory

Inherited by

type~~factory_distance~~InheritedByGraph type~factory_distance factory_distance type~self_organizing_map self_organizing_map type~self_organizing_map->type~factory_distance factory type~two_level_self_organizing_map two_level_self_organizing_map type~two_level_self_organizing_map->type~factory_distance factory

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public :: create_distance

  • private subroutine create_distance(factory, type_, dist)

    Class constructor


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(factory_distance) :: factory

    A factory_distance object

    character(len=*) :: type_

    A character string with the type of distance to be instantiated

    class(distance_base), allocatable :: dist

    An allocatable distance_base object

Source Code

type factory_distance 
!!  Class to represent a distance factory 
        procedure,public :: create_distance
end type factory_distance